Gizmodo: Modern Armor Won’t Stand a Chance Against MBDA MMP

Gizmodo: Modern Armor Won’t Stand a Chance Against MBDA MMP
Gizmodo: Modern Armor Won’t Stand a Chance Against MBDA MMP

As noted by Gizmodo and Defense Update today at Eurostory 2014 MBDA Missile Systems presented two new configurations of MMP, the fifth generation land combat weapon system; one on the MPCV (Multi-Purpose Combat Vehicle) and another, in collaboration with Nexter, on the T40 turret.

The MMP is similar to the American Javelin in that they are both capable of striking armored vehicles and fortified positions with medium range, self-guided missiles. At a weight of 33 pounds, the tripod mounted system can be fired by dismounted troops, remote turrets or from a Multi-Purpose Combat Vehicle.

As noted by Defense Update and Gizmodo;


The missile itself has been designed to fulfill a variety of roles based on insights gleaned during recent combat in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Africa—from punching through the latest reactive armor systems to penetrating pillboxes and bunkers.

The MMP is also much more autonomous than its predecessor. Its missiles are now capable of locking onto targets via a dual-band visible/uncooled IR seeker. This fire and forget capability allows operators to launch the attack then hightail it to a new position before the enemy counters. The system also has a man-in-the-loop option which allows the operator to monitor the strike without having to move from cover. What’s more, the new launcher can be fired safely in confined spaces, an essential feature in urban warfare.

Click here to read the articles from Defense Update and Gizmodo.