
AKERON MPFIFTH GENERATION LAND AND SEA COMBAT MISSILE SYSTEMLand and Sea Combat Missile System AKERON MP is in service and has been operationally tested and proven in extremes of climate (desert and subarctic conditions). The system’s design includes the growth potential necessary for a future family of missiles for modern land combat. AKERON MP – a multi-role missile providing maximum…

Sea Ceptor: Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (CAMM)
SEA CEPTOR (CAMM)NEXT GENERATION SHIP-BASED ALL WEATHER AIR DEFENSE WEAPON SYSTEMCOMMON ANTI-AIR MODULAR MISSILE CAMM, the Common Anti-air Modular Missile, is the next generation air defense missile designed for land, sea and air environments. The maritime application of CAMM is known as Sea Ceptor. Sea Ceptor will protect both the host ship and high-value units in the local area. The…