MBDA Missile Systems cordially invites you to visit us at booth #715 at the Air Force Association’s Air & Space Conference (#ASC14) at the Gaylord Hotel Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland September 15-17, 2014. Come by to learn more about our Brimstone® missile, Meteor and other precision strike weapons in production and available now for
moreBrimstone 2 Missile Enters Production with Insensitive Munitions Components
MBDA has started producing Brimstone 2 missiles at its Lostock and Henlow manufacturing facilities in England. The missile incorporates the latest mmW radar and semi-active laser Dual Mode Seeker capability, an Insensitive Munition (IM) rocket motor and warhead, and a new and stronger airframe for increased air carriage robustness. This new missile will enter service
more700 HP Speedboat (FIAC) Can’t Outrun Brimstone
Building on the Dual Mode Brimstone missile’s excellent combat record of destroying complex land targets, MBDA continues to upgrade Brimstone’s capabilities for maritime engagements. In our most recent testing, Brimstone destroyed a high-speed Fast in-shore Attack Craft (FIAC) target maneuvering in an environment cluttered with multiple neutral vessels. In the testing, a Royal Air Force
moreMBDA’s Meteor, Brimstone 2 and Cruise missiles highlighted at Farnborough
We are looking forward to a great show at Farnborough- You can visit MBDA at our location (OE10) overlooking the runway. MBDA’s fighter aircraft missiles (Brimstone 2, METEOR, SPEAR 3, Taurus and Storm Shadow) and their integration activities are highlighted in this comprehensive Aviation Week article; “Against an agile, evading target, Meteor’s no-escape zone—the area
moreMBDA’s Meteor adds Beyond Visual Range Capability to the Gripen Fighter
In cooperation with Saab and the Swedish Defense Material Administration (FMV), MBDA has concluded missile integration firings with Gripen and the MBDA Meteor BVRAAM (Beyond-Visual-Range Air-to-Air Missile). Conducted in March 2014, these latest firings further verified Meteor integration with the Gripen and validated the Meteor’s seeker performance and range. As the last major trial remaining